Not Your Donkey was started by me, Maret Jaks, because our corporate media and politicians spend too much time telling us which issues we should be concerned about, whether we should or shouldn’t take a knee about something, the correct words to use, and how we should think about things. If we don’t agree with that, we should just keep it to ourselves.

Does that sound right to you?

I choose to bray freely - democracy deserves it. You may not agree with everything I say (it would be very weird if you did) and I’ve been known to evolve my opinions when confronted with sound information. While we should all resist being told how to think, I’ll make one exception for Dr. Suess:

Think left and think right, think low and think high. Oh the thinks you can think up if only you try.

Few news outlets give you the whole picture. Through Not Your Donkey, I’ll share information I find and provide insights and, hopefully, trigger conversations and awareness. That way, we can all bray freely.

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Bray freely! It's the foundation of democracy. As I like to say - "Everyone has a right to my opinion." We don't have to agree on everything but open and honest conversations bring us to better places.


Maret Jaks is a tech consultant and author currently living in Canada. She is the founder of the podcast and substack Not Your Donkey. After all, if we don't protect democracy today, how can our children enjoy their tomorrow? Bray freely.